Search Engine Users: The Basics

Search Engine Optimisation is an ongoing process of trial and error.

In the online world, you have to be constantly “doing”, to receive feedback and to develop a concept. A SEO professional will be familiar with the idea of working with a living palette of colours, that is changing and evolving. SEO is a reactive business that necessitates quick-wits and high levels of creativity.

This actuality presents a strong argument in favour of building websites for users first, and search engines second. One which is backed up by official Google literature. It’s invaluable to grasp the target market’s mindset, to have empathy with your audience, and to effectively reach and keep those users.

What do users want?

Generally speaking, when trying to pin down the typical mentality of search engine users, we find that there are three common types of search queries:

  1. “Action queries” – where users are looking to complete a task i.e. buying Ray-Ban sunglasses online.
  2. “Information queries” – where users are seeking knowledge i.e. ‘Which Smiths song has the following lyrics?’
  3. “Navigation queries” – where users are looking to go somewhere online i.e. seeking the fastest route to the Barclays Premier League official site.

During any website design process you should consider its efficacy in delivering answers for all three of the above queries. Of course, every business is different and the specifics of the queries will change slightly, depending on the circumstances.

Again speaking generally, there are certain techniques which can help a website designer to evoke activity in a user. It’s a proven fact that a user’s eyes are likely to be drawn to things like bolded keywords, bullet points, titles, headlines and author signatures. The intelligent use of such features, throughout a website and its content, can reap rewards, when it comes to engaging a human being and encouraging them to perform your desired action (You can read more about good content creation practice in last Friday’s blog).

In closing, it’s important for businesses with an online presence not to underestimate the popularity of search. Not only is search an established internet institution but it’s also a growing trend. It is fair to say that search is now being used by almost every online human, worldwide. As more and more people gain internet access, search engine users are expanding by 20% of its own size every year.

Theoretically, high-quality SEO can position your website in front of billions of pairs of eyeballs.

Does this reflect your company’s goal?

If you are looking for an SEO agency that can help you reach the right users, look no further. Get in touch with BFI today.